Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012


01 My mother won't be born for another 102 years.
02 Credo, quia impossibile est.
03 Il y a une femme à l'origine de toutes les grandes...
04 Saps què ets? Ets una meravella. Ets únic. Mai a...
05 Immortality is a long shot, I admit. But somebody ...
06 Per aiutare un bambino, dobbiamo fornirgli un...
07 Lebe so, wie wenn Du nochmals leben könntest - die...
08 'Normal' is a dryer setting.
09 不聞不若聞之,聞之不若見之,見之不若知之,知之不若行之
10 A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships...
11 Omnia mutantur. Nihil interit.
12 Har du sett min villa, min Villa Villekullavilla? ...
13 Nous arrivons tout nouveaux aux divers âges de la ...
14 Университет развивает все способности, в том...
15 Machine. Unexpectedly, I'd invented a time
16 Jeder hat in tiefstem Dank derer zu gedenken, die ...
17 Une photographie, c'est un fragment de temps qui...
18 Once more upon the waters! Yet once more!
19 La mer n'est que le véhicule d'une surnaturelle et...
20 The universe is one big coincidence. Cosmically...
21 Why?
22 There is no problem with changing the course of...
23 星星之火可以燎原
24 The computer is incredibly fast, accurate, and...
25 Die Menschen sind nicht immer, was sie scheinen...
26 Toutes les activités humaines ... sont vouées par ...
27 Irrtümer entspringen nicht allein daher, weil man ...
28 Vous interdisez les erreurs vous empêchez ainsi la...
29 You can't go home again.
30 Das Schönste, was wir erleben können, ist das...
31 There's more to this world than just people, you...
32 Sports is the toy department of human life.
33 Das Bergsteigen wird durch die Existenz von...
34 Time is the school in which we learn, Time is the ...
35 Бери́сь дру́жно, не бу́дет гру́зно.
36 Só percebemos o milagre da vida quando deixamos...
37 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary...
38 He sits motionless, like a spider in the centre of...
39 Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our...
40 L'ennui est la grande maladie de la vie.
41 Seine Briefe sind das schönste Andenken, das ich...
42 There must have been a moment, at the beginning...
43 Most children are born with a wail. Rachel...
44 All that mankind has done, thought or been: it is ...
45 On se demande parfois si la vie a un sens, et...
46 Nur wer die Vergangenheit kennt, hat eine Zukunft....
47 And now I think I am quite ready to go on another ...
48 Is it a comedy or a tragedy?
49 Oh, there's just one more thing...
50 Tu n'as pas à le [l'avenir] prévoir, mais à le...
51 Pourquoi pleurez-vous? M'avez-vous cru immortel?
52 Spoilers!

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